6. Fasting and Prayer
I believe God is calling me to fast again. I did it about 2 years ago with Pastor Kim. I did it because my father
did it and he asked me to do it. He was doing this fasting movement for pastors and I knew I had no other choice,
but knew I must do it one day, so I said yes. And of course, it was very much beneficial spiritually and my walk
with the Lord grew from it and I believe God used the fasting as good soil for the ministry. But also, I remember
that I had no clear vision and prayer requests during the fasting days.
But this time, I strongly sense the need for fasting and prayers. Although it is not as long as I used to fast 2 years ago,
but I know that God has given me some clear prayer requests that I need to pray to Him during the fasting days.
I strongly feel that I need to fast for my personal spiritual restoration. I am not fasting because I am an awesome
Christian. I am not fasting because I am better than others. Actually, it is opposite. I am fasting because I know how
weak I am. And I am not posting this to brag that I am fasting, but I need your prayers.
As a Christian and a pastor, my walk with the Lord has been died down so much. My prayer life, my worship to
Jesus and sermon preaching have become very much dried up. I found that I was trapped with anger towards people.
I was hurting people whether they have noticed it or not. My mind was full of lust, selfishness, laziness, and impatience,
and I have lost the sense of transparency and honesty towards God and His church. I was pointing my fingers towards
others in bitterness. My heart towards people who are suffering grew colder. I have lost the urgency for the lost souls (VIPs).
I also have lost His vision for His church. I need to be bolder in sharing the gospel and telling the truth in love when
my brothers and sisters in Christ are going in a wrong way. I also feel that I need to grow in trusting in God more.
And there are much more reasons that I feel the need for fasting before God.
God is in control. God has His sovereign plans. But that does not mean I should just kick back and do nothing when I feel
this distance from God in many sinful ways. Since God is in control, I want to spend some time seeking His face for His
mercy, trusting that He can surely deliver me from my spiritual thirst and hunger I have for Jesus.
And, if you feel somewhat the same in your end, I invite you to join me in fasting before God. It does not have to be many
hours straight in a week. But in a way that you can do. I want to invite you to join me in fasting and prayers before God for
our revival and restoration. I do not think I can do it alone. Please pray for me and with me. Jesus loves you all so much.
Neal Lee