사랑하는 아빠에게,
어렀을떼부터 아빠는 가족을 위해서 못하시는게없는 나의 슈퍼맨이었어요.
우리행복 하고 성공이였다면 아빠는 무었이든 두번생각도안하시고 달려드렸지요.
특히 우리 미래를위해 미국 혼자 오셔셔 7년동안 고생하신거 생각하면 마음 아프기도 하고 그리고 또 더 열심히살아야되겠다는 마음도 생겨요.
저는 그게 그냥 당연하다고 생각했어요. 당연히 나를 위해 아빠가 더열심히 일하셔야지. 그리고 당연히 아빠가 나를위해 내가 하고싶은거 하고 같고싶은거 사주시고 내 행복을위해 희생하셔야지.
나이들고 철들고 보니 아빠사랑이 먼지모르게 자라온 친구들이 놀랍게 많더라고요. 내가 얼마나 lucky 한지 알았어요.
아빠는 내가 평생 갑지못할 선물을 주셨어요. 아빠는 그냥 나의 사랑하는 아빠가 아니고 role model 이에요. 아빠의 generous 마음 하고 봉사하시는걸 보고 아빠처럼 하나님의 귀한 자식이 돼야돼겠다 느꼈어요. 아빠가 내 아빤게 넘 자랑스럽고 행복해요.
아빠 사랑해요.
Happy Father's Day!
Dear Dad,
You've always been the kind of dad who would do anything for your family.
Even if it meant sacrificing your own happiness and health to help us succeed and be happy in life. I've always known this, but never realized how lucky I was. To me, it was always just a given. I always just knew that you'd be there in my time of need.
I always thought it was normal to have a dad who put his children first.
As I grew older, I realized that that is not the case for everyone's childhood. My only selfish complaints were that we didn't drive the nicest car, and that we didn't go on the best vacations. I realized that most kids didn't even grow up really even knowing a father. Or what it was like to have parents who you knew would love you unconditionally even if you weren't perfect. I thank God everyday for blessing me with my earthly parents. You've given me more than I can ever repay. Best of all, you've taught me the meaning of the word "to give". Seeing how generous you are as a kind and giving man of God has taught me to be that way in my own life. You lead by example. Thank you. You are an amazing father and I am so blessed and proud that you are my dad.
I love you! Happy Father's Day!
Mira Yoo
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